Sweet potato flour

Minimum Purchase Qty 1 Kg
La farine de patate douce provient de la mouture fine de la patate douce à chair jaune ou blanche. La patate est un féculent racine comestible, de forme tubéreuse cultivée dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales. Elle est considérée en Afrique comme un produit essentiel de sécurité alimentaire, et fait partie des aliments essentiels en temps de soudure. 95% de la production mondiale de patate douce se fait en Afrique. Elle est utilisée autant pour l’alimentation humaine que animale.
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Scientific name: Ipomoea Batatas flour

Sweet potato flour is made from finely ground yellow or white-fleshed sweet potatoes.  The potato is an edible tuberous starchy root grown in tropical and subtropical regions. In Africa, it is considered an essential product for food security, and is one of the essential foods in times of hunger. Africa accounts for 95% of the world's sweet potato production. It is used for both human and animal consumption.

Nutritionally, the sweet potato is gluten-free, rich in starch and nutrients including vitamin A, B6, copper and manganese. It is high in energy, providing around 358 calories/100g.    Its low glycaemic index and the presence of arabinogalctane protein, renowned for its anti-diabetic properties, make it a good food for diabetics. In sub-Saharan Africa, it is grown as a small-scale food crop, producing around 18 tonnes per hectare. 

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