Scientific name: sorghum bicolor flour
Sorghum flour Sorghum is a herbaceous plant native to Africa, belonging to the cereal family. It is the 5th most widely grown cereal in the world and the 3rd most widely grown in sub-Saharan Africa, after maize and rice. It is grown for its starchy grains. It has a nutty flavor.
Nutritionally, sorghum flour is gluten-free and rich in starch and protein, with a natural roasted nut flavor. It is nutritious and high in energy, with around 349 calories/100g and a carbohydrate content ranging from 65 to 75%, making it a high-energy food. It is rich in iron, fiber, calcium and phosphorus. Its lower glycaemic index than rice makes it a good food for diabetics. In sub-Saharan Africa, it is grown as a small-scale food crop, producing around 1,500 to 1,700 kg per hectare.
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