Hen eggs are a complete and highly nutritious food. Eggs have been selected by the WHO as the benchmark for protein efficiency in children. It is low in calories and very rich in nutrients. Eggs can be eaten in a variety of ways: they can be fried to make an omelet for a quick snack or breakfast; cooked, they are eaten as a hard-boiled egg, which is less fatty than an omelet; and they are generally incorporated into many recipes for starters, desserts and salad dressings. It is an essential ingredient in pastry-making, as it emulsifies pasta and gives it a soft texture while prolonging its shelf life.
It should be eaten in moderation, however, as it contains allergens and is the leading cause of allergy in children (35-50% of cases), compared with 7% in adults. Eating eggs or egg-based dishes reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration by 80%, and the risk of cataracts by 50%. Eating eggs for breakfast reduces the risk of breast cancer, as well as the risk of calorie intake during the day, as it reduces hunger.
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