
Minimum Purchase Qty 1 Kg
Le riz est une céréale cultivée dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales, dans des zones humides et ensoleillées pour ses graines. C’est la première céréale cultivée au monde pour la consommation alimentaire, et la deuxième en tonnage après le maïs. Le riz est l’aliment de base des populations africaines, asiatiques et sud-américaines.
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Estimate Shipping Time: 06 to 08 weeks
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Scientific name: Oryza

Rice is a cereal grown in tropical and subtropical regions, in humid and sunny areas, for its seeds. It is the world's leading cereal grown for food consumption, and the second most important in terms of tonnage after maize. Rice is a staple food for people in Africa, Asia and South America.
From a nutritional point of view, as a cereal it is rich in carbohydrates, making it an energetic and calorific food.  
Rice yields vary considerably.  In sub-Saharan Africa, and Cameroon in particular, it yields between 3 and 6 tonnes of unhusked rice per hectare. In Asia, it is between 3,000 and 4,000 kg of husked rice per hectare. Or in other countries, it is 1 to tonnes per hectare.
Rice is mainly used for human consumption in the form of cooked grains or flour, or in the biochemical industry to produce sweeteners or active cosmetics.
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