Scientific name: Glycine max
Soya is a legume grown in warm climates for its seeds. It belongs to the category of oilseeds.
Nutritionally speaking, peanuts are rich in nutrients. Its seeds are naturally rich in proteins and lipids. Dry soya beans provide around 432 calories/100g and are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, iron, calcium and zinc. Its record protein content of between 22% and 26% makes it a food with the same nutritional value as groundnuts, meat and eggs for human and animal consumption.
Worldwide, soya yields have increased by 751% in 50 years. Productivity depends on the region. In Sub-Saharan Africa in general, and Cameroon in particular, it ranges from 2,500kg to 3,500kg of unhulled soya per hectare.
Soya is mainly used for human consumption in the form of flour for infant nutrition and for baking, as vegetable milk.
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